Savannah was in the car with me several days ago when we came across a beer delivery truck parked in our lane. Savannah wanted to know what it was doing there, so I explained. In answering Savannah's follow-up questions, I explained that beer delivery people have to have strong muscles in order to haul the heavy crates and boxes. Savannah said, "Oh dad, you could never do that job then. You could only carry one or two boxes."
Gee, thanks Savannah!
September 20th Katie took the girls to the Dallas Zoo. Leila was pretty excited to report to me afterward that they had seen a "purple-butted monkey" (a Mandril). I thought that phrase demonstrated some pretty sophisticated linguistic skills on the part of my three-year-old. (I would have expected a phrase like "a monkey with a purple butt.")
On Friday, Savannah and Leila were playing together, braninstorming to come up with ideas. Savannah: "Let's be parents but not have any kids."
Saturday: Me: "My stomach is bothing me." Savannah: "Maybe you have a stomach ache." Ah, yes, thank you for that diagnosis, Dr. Savannah.
Colette was dancing wildly to some music Katie had playing in our room the other day. Every so often, she'd stop jumping around, pat her tummy, and squeal, "Me cute! Me cute!"
How right you are, darling!