Topham Times

Topham Times

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Holidays are here!!

The holidays are here and the kids are excited to decorate the house.  We don't have much in the way of halloween decorations so I decided we would create some.  So we made spiders out of paper sacks, pumpkins out of jars, and creepy monsters out of milk jugs.  Savannah even put wings on her jug because it was part bat, part mummy, and part pumpkin.
The top spider is Savannah's and the bottom one is Leila's.  They were both very detailed at how the spider was painted making sure the spider had a mouth and butt.  As long as the essentials are their, that is what is important, right guys.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Savannah's First Day of School

This is a month late, but here are some photos from the morning of Savannah's first day of preschool. Katie made her a special breakfast: pancakes in the shape of a bear's head. Also, Savannah is showing off her new panda shirt, which she loves.