I realize this is way late and old news but I just wanted to share some of it on the blog. Kind of a catch up if you will. So Savannah turned 5 this year. That is unbelievable. She is getting so big too fast. I am still trying to get used to the fact that she is in preschool and next year she will be going to kindergarten. Crazy. Anyway, since she is turning an odd number she got to have a party. She is really into Rapunzel so that is the theme she chose. In this first picture you can see the sun banner and lanterns that I made to better decorate the place. She is also into pandas and had a hard time picking a theme, so the other wall has some store-bought pictures of pandas along with one picture from each of her years. I also made like a 15ish-foot yellow braid that went from the window outside, up the stairs, over our front door and hung down the inside. 
I wanted to make some kind of treat but I didn't really want too much left over either. I found that a lady made a tower out of donuts. I loved the idea. So I got one white glazed donut with colored sprinkles for each girl invited to the party. Dale made me a stand and I slid the donuts on. Then, on the top, I put one muffin and a waffle cone dipped in purple candy coating. The rest is just green frosting that I piped on. I got some new cake decorating tips for Christmas so I practiced with them to make vines, leaves, and grass. I think it turned out well and the only things left were the muffin, cone, and one donut. I also made blue jello for water and an orange slice as a boat. I also made a sail to complete the boats. The girls loved them.
We also played pin the frying pan on Flynn Rider. I put the intial on the pan so we could tell who got it where.
We also made Pascals out of party blowers and sticky green craft foam. The girls had fun creating a face and sticking the head on the blowers and then blowing each other with them.
Colette got particularly good at it. She tried to get Pascal's tongue on the camera as Dale was taking the picture.
Then we played music chairs to the songs from the soundtrack of the movie "Tangled." When you got out, you got to head to the table to start decorating the lanterns. Once the girls knew that's what they were doing next, there was no fight for the chairs. Everyone wanted to go decorate. We also put glow sticks in the corners and made the room dark so the girls could dance to the "Tangled" theme music with glowing lanterns.
Then Savannah opened her presents. She got lots of fun stuff. This backpack I made for her. She uses it for preschool and loves it.
Lastly, we painted on the tower walls. Since the weather was cool we just taped the sheet on the floor. The fitted sheet had recently gone bye bye so I thought the top sheet would work well and if I wanted to use it again, I would just have to wash it. The girls loved the painting and after it was dry we hung it on the wall of the girls' room.
So that was the party. It was a lot of fun. The above girl is Emma, one of Savannah's good friends from preschool. Now if any of my other girls want a Rapunzel-themed party, I will be set to go. I altered some of these ideas, but I got inspirations from super mom website and also a web site she links to.