Topham Times

Topham Times

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Ok, so I was going to post about this awhile ago, but obviously I didn't.  One afternoon there was a knock on the door.  By the time I got to the door, the knocker was gone, but a bag was on the porch with the above note.  The bag contained several shirts (both long sleeve and short sleeve), two dresses, and two skirts.  For those of you who don't know, Savannah started kindergarten this year and, here in Dallas, TX the schools require uniforms.  Not knowing exactly how much clothing to get, and not having a lot of money. I was brought to tears by this wonderful surprise. 

Then I noticed the second half of this sweet note.   Leila and Colette were told that they would get something later.  They were so excited about not being left out of the excitement that found our home that afternoon.

A couple weeks later, 4 more bags appeared on our porch.  These contained new matching skirts for the girls, along with a shirt, socks, a hair barette, and a new movie for each kid. And this time, there was a very touching gift for me.  Savannah also got some uniform pants for school.  My emotions overcame me and I weeped.  My girls were wondering what was wrong with their mom.  I have no idea why someone chose to do this for my family, but it was truly an answer to prayer -- and much more!  Thank you so much to whoever did this.  I wish there was something I could do for your family in return.  Please know my heart is full of gratitude and love for you!

The girls wore their new matching skirts to church the next Sunday. Savannah's primary teacher asked her if I had sewn the skirts, and Savannah excitedly told her that someone had left them in a bag on our porch.  My girls absolutely loved being thought of and enjoy all their new treasures throughout each week!

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