Topham Times

Topham Times

Monday, March 28, 2016

My daughters encounter the 2016 presidential election, part 1

Dear Hillary Clinton,

My seven-year-old daughter Leila has, over the last several weeks, repeatedly expressed a strong desire to become the first female president of the United States. To that end, I respectfully request that you withdraw your candidacy from the current election and allow my darling daughter to chase her dreams She will be eligible to run for office as early as the 2044 presidential election. Assuming she is elected and then serves for two terms, you could resume your presidential campaign in time for the 2052 election. At that time, you will be 105 years old. You've waited this long, surely a few more years won't hurt?


a doting father

*Important note to Facebook friends: This post's intent is lighthearted. The post is not meant to be interpreted as a political statement or to stir up politically charged controversy. Please do not be offended by this post. And for the love of all that is holy, please do not write argumentative or nasty comments below. I repeat: I am simply trying to be silly -- though Leila is totally serious in her desire to become the first female president of the U.S.

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