When I picked Leila up from school today, she immediately started in
on politics again, continuing this morning's conversation (see earlier
post for context). She told me the kids talked about politics all day.
She said some of her classmates' fathers think Trump is great, but
others do not. She said the kids whose parents do not support Trump kept
referring to him as "Tronald Dump." Leila thought this was funny, given
the slang meaning of the word "dump."
Then Leila switched
to discussing the Democrat candidates. She said she opposes Hillary
Clinton solely because Hillary is currently the biggest threat to her
dream of becoming the first "girl president," as Leila phrased it. Then
Leila wanted to know how soon she could run for president. She was
appalled when I said not until the year 2044. She decided my math was
off and set out to double-check it. She came up with 2028 as the correct
year. Turns out, she thought she could run for president after she
turned 18. When I told her the magic number was 35, it ruined her day.
She thought it was dumb of the Framers of the Constitution to pick such a
ridiculously advanced age as the minimum requirement.
This kid entertains me.
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